Tuesday 21 February 2017

Cannabidiol and Weight Management (CBD & THC)

Perception Depends Upon Angles  of Vision or Interpretation – Ethicists & Moralists

The word ‘cannabis’ or marijuana conjures demonized images of Woodstock, free love, and sexless hippies. The corporate world is doubtful of its efficacy due to its legal classification. Like everything else, there are the pros and cons. Among the users is a ‘Who’s Who’ list of dignitaries professed to have dabbled in it including Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, Sarah Palin, Lincoln Chafee, Conan O’Brien, Susan Sarandon, Martha Stewart, Morgan Freeman, David Letterman and Ted Turner. Rest assured you’re up there with the best.

Let’s distil fat terms under the skinny microscope. All mirth aside, there’s a serious medicinal use for the compound Cannabidiol (CBD) which is derived from the cannabis plant and commercially produced as medicinal Hemp Oil or Cannabis Edibles. Clinical trials on animals have produced startling results and evidence points to curative effects with the alleviation of symptoms in chronic disease sufferers of epilepsy, schizophrenia, metabolic and endocrine disorders. In reality, the list is endless and includes treatment as an antiemetic, appetite suppressant, weight loss agent, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumoral, anxiolytic and anti-depressant.  

The wide-held public belief is one of fear and perception. And that is that medicinal Cannabis – which is classed as a Schedule 1 Drug in the USA, is in some forms psychoactive. Actually, medicinal CBD is stripped of high levels of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which causes side effects like paranoia and intoxication.

As a matter of interest, a Schedule 1 drug classification in the USA has the potential for abuse and isn’t widely or officially accepted as medicine. However, the fact remains that CBD goes beautifully with exercise to improve physical health and body mass index. Once again, pathways have been refined and updated to produce strains of medicinal cannabis to increase alertness and reduce memory impairment or paranoia. The compound has an endorphin ability which enables athletes to push through the pain threshold of a fat-burning workout. The American Journal of Medicine on ‘The Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin and Insulin Resistance among US Adults’ (Penner et al. May 16, 2013) found lower obesity and diabetes mellitus rates in marijuana users. In essence, the body’s insulin is less resistive or more available for uptake and to break down floating glucose. This mechanism prevents excess fat storage. 

The refined cannabis acts on cell receptors in the same way natural exercise does. During exercise, our bodies release and burn fat-based THC - the same ‘feel good’ psychoactive compound found in cannabis – which reduces the sensation of pain, hunger, and nausea.  Therefore, with reduced sensations of pain, inflammation, and hunger, there’s enhanced physical endurance and performance. The difference between THC and CBD is that THC binds to brain receptors (promoting psychoactive effects), whereas CBD exerts its influence on metabolic processes or endocrine systems.

Retrieved from:

“5 Must-Know Facts About Cannabidiol.” (Feb 23, 2014) - www.leafscience.com

“The Immediate Effects of Cannabis on Weight Loss & Metabolism” (Oct 13, 2015) - www.wakingtimes.com

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